Eclipse....I give you The Moon & Stars
Last Monday was the Solar Eclipse 2017 and my husband I decided to travel with our good friends to see it in the totality zone. Great to catch up with old friends and mark this amazing Earth event off out bucket list.

We rented a cabin in the woods of Tennessee for a few days and all drove from Texas(Dallas for us, Austin for our friends) through Arkansas to Memphis then to the cabin just outside of Nashville. I have to say it was a wonderful end of summer getaway with friends and great vegan eats along the route.

I read in the days before we left that in ancient times there were legends and myths that people used to explain the eclipse. For example, in China it was thought that a dragon had eaten the sun. While I watched the eclipse myself I had my own myth maybe it represents something that we take for granted (the sun) which is getting taken away and then I tried to think in my own life where this too might be the case. What do I personally take for granted that might get taken away? My health, my loved ones, my time with my animals or is it just my time on the beautiful planet that is capable of so many wonderful amazing things, sunsets, sunrises, storms and wind that is the home for all of us? Am I taking these for granted? Certainly, it is so easy to do so right?! It is so easy to get caught up in the everyday stuff that we forget the really big stuff. The things I call "deathbed stuff" other words the things that will be truly important to you in the last moments of life...the things you are grateful for or the things you may end up regretting. Life just like an eclipse is super precious and super fast so if there is something you want to do to make the world a better place now is the time to do it. The Eclipse for me was a reminder of these and that the Earth itself is an amazing place that I am honored to call home!

Our cabin in the woods

Here are some of the high lights of our amazing journey:
Kyle & I

The girl gang-Jade and I

Jade,August,Robert and Griffin

the swimming hole
Coming soon! I give you the Moon & Stars Necklace