New beginnings....
Hope everyone is enjoying their fall now with cooler weather aka mushroom tea time here in the praireland of Texas is also getting better now that COVID is more under control as we are all out seeing more people and having new adventures again! Yay!! Hope you all are too!
Anyway we have big news here at the studio... about a month ago we moved! Yay!! We moved from our house in Dallas and now we are living at our property in Hubbard, Texas(pop. 1423) and I have moved my Jewelry Studio into the Evergreen. For those that follow me on Instagram, especially my stories, you may be more familiar with this part of my jewelry making journey and life. But for those new or not Instagram story followers and are not familiar, here's a mini recap... about five years ago Kyle and I bought some property about an hour and half from Dallas that we have been working on ourselves and also with family and friends with the hopes of moving to eventually. So we decided October 2021 was the time and we rented out our house in Dallas for now to a friend in the tiny house community! She had recently had surgery and really needed a place to chill for 5 months or so and she also needed a place to park her tiny house with no hassle. This allowed us to move and downsize to our 300 sq ft RV that we had on the property. We are now living in the RV temporarily while we build our tiny Aircrete Dome Home. In the process, we also moved my jewelry making studio into an Evergreen shipping container which Kyle finished setting up with Solar panels, eco friendly insulation and a solar mini split for heat and air..It turned out so beautiful with lots of windows and beautiful hardwood floors and I couldn't ask for a more amazing space to spend my days! If you like you can see the build on Instagram @shopevergreenjewelry
Needless to say this is a very exciting time for us and has all been in an effort for us to live in a more sustainable way with the planet and hopefully this move will also help us be more resilient no matter what the climate does in the future...we thought it is best to be off-grid as much as we can and to live tiny. After a month, I feel like I am in a constant nature bath and am just getting settled into practicing deep ecology rather than shallow ecology...thank you Arne Næss for this amazing way of life and thinking...I am only just beginning and have so much more to learn. But in that effort I am so far following and have become a little obsessed with a murder of crows (8-9 crows) that traverse the land throughout the day in front of my new studio ...going east to the ponds and west towards our dirt road that leads us back out to the main highway and back to "civilization". So wondering what the Crows are doing all they seem to live really busy and social lives and can't wait to learn more from them. Another highlight so far has been my morning sunrise watches with Laika from the RV...just so many beautiful ones and sunsets too...I will continue to share these on my Instagram stories @crobinsondesign
To find out more about the Evergreen and Hubbard Texas please check out my EVERGREEN STUDIO PAGE . It is so beautiful here and I feel blessed to be a witness to this magical place. Here are just a few of the images from our month here so far... along with some new jewelry pieces now available inspired by my new surroundings!! Happy Fall Y’all xx Christy
